

Uber Eats - Quinton Bower

I love it! Will recommend to Uber Eats for sure and use it again. NOTE: a Flash Message with One Time Unlock code and instructions were sent to the tablet and Quinton was easily able to follow and complete the delivery.

UPS - C.J. "Clark" Flynn

Really liked it for the most of the time. Great for security and no redeliveries. Happy to use it on his next trip.

Instacart - Daniel Ramsey

Thought it was intuative and easy to use. Very helpful in making deliveries (not somewhat). Saves from wasting time. However, sees same if not more benefit for homeowner not waiting around or stuck in traffic.

DHL - Cashara Clay

LOVES IT and thinks everyone should have one. Great for DHL and great for the customer. DHL trains them to look for delivery instructions anywhere and to follow them.


CEO David Eichenblatt Discusses Major Issues of Package Delivery

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